The “Contrapuntal Improvisation” series of books.

“Contrapuntal Improvisation – Volume 1″, is the first in a series of books (4 volumes planned, thus far) designed to equip guitar players with the techniques necessary for mastering this art form. The first volume is the introductory volume and it is divided into three sections, “Arpeggios”, “Scale Fragments” and “Basic Rhythms”. Each of these sections are further divided into individual chapters that present the material in a progressive manner, providing the aspiring contrapuntal improviser/composer with a firm foundation in order to further explore the more advanced techniques and concepts in the following volumes.
Section One is devoted to playing Arpeggios over various Bass notes. The featured arpeggios are based on the diatonic major scale and include Major 7th, Minor 7th, Dominant 7th and Minor 7b5. Each of these are presented in their harmonic relationships, both ascending and descending, as well as being played over various diatonic bass notes, thus yielding an assortment of “slash chords”.
Section Two features the technically demanding scale fragments on the first, second and third strings, played over a series of diatonic bass notes. In addition to developing a fluid technique with these fragments for improvising, the player will also develop finger stretching, as well as finger strength.
Section Three introduces basic rhythms that are necessary for the learning of this technique. It is important for the student to develop a sense of rhythmic independence, as well as the more obvious, upper line/lower line independence shown throughout the book. Earlier chapters introduce the more basic rhythms, and this section bridges the gap to future volumes. Syncopated rhythms are also featured.

Diatonic 7th arpeggios in both ascending and descending forms. As well as “arpeggio pairs” and Root, Third and Fifth in the Bass positions.

Scale fragments for the first, second and third strings over various diatonic bass notes. This includes both static bass notes and moving bass lines.

An introduction to various basic syncopated rhythms to prepare for more advanced rhythms in future volumes.
Volume 2
Coming in 2023