Contrapuntal Improvisation (Volume 1)


  The first book of its kind, and the first volume of a series of books focusing on the art of Contrapuntal Improvisation on the guitar.  Written with the Intermediate/Advanced guitarist in mind.


  The first book of its kind, and the first volume of a series of books focusing on the art of Contrapuntal Improvisation on the guitar.  Written with the Intermediate/Advanced guitarist in mind.

  Volume One concentrates on three separate sections, each devoted to a specific topic.

   The first section, “Arpeggios”, focuses on learning the diatonic arpeggios in the major key, in the root in the bass, third in the bass and fifth in the bass positions.  Then each arpeggio is played over each of the diatonic bass notes within the key.  This includes both the ascending and descending forms.  Of special interest are the chapters on “Arpeggio Pairs”, where the arpeggios are paired in various harmonic contexts, thus providing the player with the means to have a strong foundation for playing through chord changes.

   The second section, “Scales”, provides the mechanisms needed in order to play movable lines against both a static and moving bass line.  The focus in on the fingerings and specific strings, instead of playing entire scales all at once.  A later chapter introduces the Modal scale fingerings, as each mode is played in its entirety.

  The third section, “Rhythms”, introduces the basic rhythms for the player to master in order to play different rhythmic lines at once.  The examples include rhythms in both the upper and lower voices, including examples with syncopation.

  By the end of Volume One, you will have a firm foundation of the techniques and mechanisms necessary for exploring Contrapuntal Improvisation.  Future volumes will continue to build on these elements.


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